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Pattern recognition in a sentence

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Sentence count:195Posted:2017-11-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: recognitionprecognitionface recognitionvoice recognitionfacial recognitionspeech recognitionbeyond recognitioncognition
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61. The filter is put on the power spectrum before applying the inverse Fourier transform to yield the correlation output. This technique can be used in pattern recognition of grey level input image.
62. This paper analyzes the remote sensing images data of Tanggu saltpan by the methods of pattern recognition, and classifies the water resources in Tanggu saltpan using supervised classification.
63. Indeed, research has shown that video games can improve mental dexterity, while boosting hand-eye coordination, depth perception and pattern recognition.
64. This paper discusses pattern recognition system based on artificial neural networks, which uses mathematics software MATLAB.
65. Recognition of graphic pattern is a branch of pattern recognition.
66. A new method for B a IC mask pattern recogni t ion is proposed based on the concept of pattern recognition and expert system(ES ).
67. Combined with fuzzy pattern recognition theory, the fuzzy identification criterions of flow patterns are established.
68. Through experiment investigation, this paper proposed future work for improving pattern recognition system based on VHM.
69. The dividing of seismic active period in north China is researched with the one of the pattern recognition methods-fitting optimum seeking method in this paper.
70. In this paper, two methods of realizing optical pattern recognition, spatial matched filter correlation and joint transform correlation(JTC), were discussed first with the emphasis on the JTC.
71. It's this pattern recognition process that leads to creative ideas.
72. Similarity measure is usually used to study the similar degree between multisource data, which is the basis of pattern recognition on spatial data.
73. The infrared pattern recognition system consists of image preprocessing, feature extraction and pattern classification.
74. Fuzzy pattern recognition is applied to the performance test of auto electric parts in this paper.
74. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
75. Shape recognition of object is one of the important directions in pattern recognition, and is widely used in image analysis, machine vision and target discrimination, etc.
76. Pattern analysis of power system is a new analyzing method which is developed with the application of pattern recognition to power system.
77. And the applicability of Mahalanobis distance discrimination analysis and topology pattern recognition for reconstructed milk identification was discussed.
78. The pattern recognition system has a universal value of engineering application.
79. A supervision and sorting technique by means of statistical pattern recognition and using color as characteristic space was put forward according to the properties of plant disease image.
80. The paper presents a novel two the-layered pattern recognition system on the basis of both WISARD and SDM.
81. The mode of machining pattern recognition has been successfully used in the adaptive control system for milling process and the result has been an important basis for control.
82. The methods of X-lay image processing and pattern recognition were used to test internal quality of rambutan fruit, the edible rate and the content of soluble solids.
83. Optical pattern recognition makes an important way to realize the 3D object recognition. It has a huge application and economic value in the social and military domains.
84. In this paper, a three-star-star-map divi(?) posed based on the star pattern recognition.
85. As a mode of expression of knowledge the syntactic pattern recognition is included in the preliminary intelligences...
86. The features of the frequency spectrum of the voltage waveform induced in a search coil placed in the stator slots of the brushless ac exciter are used in pattern recognition.
87. A common classification, commonly used in face recognition, palmprint recognition , pattern recognition.
88. By adding pattern recognition system to IC package equipment, a manual wire-bonder to automatic one was successfully ameliorated.
89. The hybrid index hierarchy fuzzy decision-making method is proposed on the basis of the idea of hierarchy analysis, the fuzzy pattern recognition technique and the fuzzy consistent matrix.
90. Methods Chemical pattern recognition was performed on the fruits of Ligustrum lucidum collected from various areas of China by PCA (principal component analysis) method.
More similar words: recognitionprecognitionface recognitionvoice recognitionfacial recognitionspeech recognitionbeyond recognitioncognitionunrecognizedunrecognizableunrecognisablecognitiverecogniserecognizerecognisedrecognizedcognitivelyrecognizablerecognizablyrecognisablerecognizanceterra incognitacognitive psychologycognitive neurosciencepatternincognitopatternedpatterningignitiondecomposition reaction
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